Thursday 28 April 2011

Felicity Hammerton Barrister who overcame the death of her mother at the age of six,her grandfathers at 16 and took herself through A level ,university and Bar School completetly unaided,survived an affair with her pupil master David Cocks who then discarded her to bring up their child alone in bitterly poor circumstances.

Felicity Hammerton Hero with Son David
 A hero indeed and an example od what strenght and determination can do.
 Felicity Hammerton Barrister who overcame the death of her mother at the age of six,her grandfathers at 16 took herself through A level ,university and Bar School completetly unaided,survived an affair with her pupil master David Cocks who then discarded her to bring up their child alone in bitterly poor circumstances.He socially and economically isolated her by denying paternity after a years affair when his pupil and made her leave chambers when she was 3 months pregnant.He never saw the child openly shunning them both,denied paternity on oath despite priately admitting to Sir Derek Spencer "Ive made my pupil pregnant" and tried (but was found guilty " we have no shadow of doubt"said the magistrates)to deny paternity on oath,despite a positive blood test.When the childwas less than a year old he was on a life support machine and when Sir Derek told David Cocks he said "I couldnt care less if he dies he is nothing to me and I will never see him."
When Felicity sent her son to a private school though he had never seen him desoite her pleas,he tried to prevent him through the "misuse of jurisdition"(Judges words)of a wardship.
Despite his enoromous weath being the 6th hightest paid prosecution barrister in England(earning £500,000 ayear for prosecution alone) he paid the child £16.24 pence a week,even trying out of spite to pay it on the last day of the year,till the judge order "a child cant eat in arreas"
He still doesnt see his son though two years ago he promised as part a court agreement he wouldHe has tried to social isolated both mother and child caling her "old fish face"and other such appalling names defilling her reputation and blocking since she refused to abort his son her career in everyway possible,this having devestating effect on her career as he is powerful and strong and senior and she did her best to ind the chld unaided fending off his many attacks set to exhaust her through the courts.

 A hero indeed and an example od what strenght and determination can do.

Constance Briscoe survived the physical and emotional abuse suffered at the hands of her mother in her childhood to triump with immense courage

Constance Briscoe a  hero indeed and an example of  what strenght and determination can do.

Constance Briscoe suffered physical and emotional abuse cruelty and neglect at the hands of her mother,  and her stepfather. She amazingly overcame her circumstances and grasped an education becoming a successful, well respected and clever lawyer.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

  Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy  Q C  champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

 Baroness Helena Kennedy QC grew up in Glasgow, raised from a working-class background.She is a campaigning lawyer, acting for those who have little voice within the system, and seeking reform for those who do not get justice. She has dedicated her professional life to  those with the least power by  promoting human rights , championing civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.championing human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.