Thursday, 28 April 2011

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

  Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy  Q C  champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC champion of human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.

 Baroness Helena Kennedy QC grew up in Glasgow, raised from a working-class background.She is a campaigning lawyer, acting for those who have little voice within the system, and seeking reform for those who do not get justice. She has dedicated her professional life to  those with the least power by  promoting human rights , championing civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.championing human rights, civil liberties and fundamental values of equality, fairness and respect for human dignity.